3kg Pink Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn (Pleurotus Djamor)

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  • Regular price £12.50

1 - 3kg Pink Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn (Pleurotus Djamor)



If, like us, you’re a fan of oyster mushrooms, we recommend trying one of the more colorful varieties, yellow oyster mushrooms.

These vibrant, brightly-colored oysters are often hard to find in grocery stores as they don’t travel well.

But, because they’re easy to grow, striking, healthy and delicious, they’re popular with home cultivators, and pink oyster mushroom grow kits and spawn are widely available. 

Pink Oyster mushrooms are a sub-tropical oyster mushroom that thrives in warm conditions


Primordia Induction  -  (night time)* temperature: lower to 18-24 °C; relative humidity: 90-95%

Fruiting Conditions  -  Room temperature of 18-28 °C, Relative humidity of 85-90%, Light of 800-1500 lux, CO2-concentration of 1000ppm

Flushes  -  Number: 2-3 per month; interval: 10-12 days; between flushes: relative humidity increase to 90-95%

Total Production Cycle  -  Approximately 2.5 months

Average Yield   -  150 to 200g saleable mushrooms per kg fresh substrate