Soya Hull Pellets - Supplemetation For All Substrates
Soya hull pellets outperform wood pellets on absorbency and sustainability.
There are no additives or binders; only water is added to generate steam during the pelleting process ensuring a more effective pasteurisation.
Rehydration Guidelines: 1.75 litres of boiling water per 1kg of dry pellets is required.
Re-hydrate as follows: slowly pour 1/2 of the required water, allow to stand for 20 minutes, then slowly pour the rest of the water.
- Add 10% of soya hull pellets + 90% straw pellets (dry weight) for the perfect oyster mushroom growing substrate.
- Add 50% of soya hull pellets + 50% hardwood pellets to create the famous 'Masters Mix'. Masters Mix is considered the highest yeilding substrate for growing gourmet mushrooms. It has the perfect balance of nutrition, ligin and cellulose, and mositure.